RapalaKeitechDaiwaKöfiFox RageSavage gearRelaxWestinDAMKP BaitsABUBerkleyJasuCrazy Fish13 FishingStormLunker CityRuthlessQuantumJaxonSairaWakeMuut MerkitValmiit Vertikaalijigit
Savage Gear Fat Minnow T-Tail Bulk Based on a common minnow, with perfect crafted...
6,98 €
Here is a superb new lure, that is specifically developed for the increasing new trend of pelagic vertical fishing • BUT that can...
3,00 €
orig. price
10,02 €discount
70 %save
7,02 € Varastossa
Here is a superb new lure, that is specifically developed for the increasing new trend of pelagic vertical fishing • BUT that can...
4,00 €
orig. price
11,03 €discount
64 %save
7,03 € Varastossa
Savage Gear Ned Dragon Tail Slug This super-versatile finesse lure is perfectly designed...
5,00 €
orig. price
8,00 €discount
38 %save
3,00 € Varastossa
Savage Gear Ned Dragon Tail Slug This super-versatile finesse lure is perfectly designed...
5,00 €
orig. price
8,00 €discount
38 %save
3,00 € Varastossa
Savage Gear Slender Scoop Shad Bulk When you see the slender body profile of this...
4,90 €
Savage Gear Slender Scoop Shad Bulk When you see the slender body profile of this...
3,90 €
3D skannattu salakka on saanut kaverikseen myös lapiopyrstöisen kaverin. 3D Bleak Paddle Tail on siis pyrstöä lukuunottamatta...
2,50 €
orig. price
6,90 €discount
64 %save
4,40 € Varastossa
3D Bleak Real Tail on 3D skannaus oikeasta salakasta (Alburnus, Alburnus) - Olemme tehneet tarkkaa työtä tehdäksemme täydellisen kopion...
2,95 €
orig. price
5,90 €discount
50 %save
2,95 € Varastossa
Designed to swim with a great rocking and pulsing action. Great for linear retrieve on light heads – but also deadly on the traditional heavier...
3,25 €
orig. price
6,50 €discount
50 %save
3,25 € Varastossa
Designed to swim with a great rocking and pulsing action. Great for linear retrieve on light heads – but also deadly on the traditional heavier...
2,95 €
orig. price
5,90 €discount
50 %save
2,95 € Varastossa
Designed to swim with a great rocking and pulsing action. Great for linear retrieve on light heads – but also deadly on the traditional heavier...
2,45 €
orig. price
4,90 €discount
50 %save
2,45 € Varastossa
Designed to swim with a great rocking and pulsing action. Great for linear retrieve on light heads – but also deadly on the traditional heavier...
2,45 €
orig. price
5,90 €discount
58 %save
3,45 € Varastossa
Ahvenen surma 2" (n.5cm). Helppokäyttöinen valmis jigi johon ei erillisiä jigipäitä tarvitse pujotella.- Paino 3g.- Pussissa 10kpl.
2,95 €
orig. price
5,90 €discount
50 %save
2,95 €More details
2,50 €
orig. price
5,90 €discount
58 %save
3,40 € Varastossa
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2,50 €
orig. price
5,90 €discount
58 %save
3,40 € Varastossa
Ennätykset uusiksi ja ykkösketjuun! Storm Tock Minnow -jigi näytti heti kaapin paikan testikalastuksissa. Erityisesti isot ahvenet tykästyivät Tock...
2,95 €
orig. price
5,90 €discount
50 %save
2,95 € Varastossa
Perinteinen kapea profiilinen toukkajigi. Runkopituus 3cm - pussissa 5kpl...
1,50 €
orig. price
2,50 €discount
40 %save
1,00 € Varastossa
Perinteinen kapea profiilinen toukkajigi. Runkopituus 3cm - pussissa 5kpl...
1,50 €
orig. price
2,50 €discount
40 %save
1,00 € Varastossa
Paksurunkoinen toukkajigi. Rungon pituus n.6cm. - pussissa 3kpl...
1,25 €
orig. price
2,50 €discount
50 %save
1,25 € Varastossa
Paksurunkoinen toukkajigi. Rungon pituus n.6cm. - pussissa 3kpl...
1,25 €
orig. price
2,50 €discount
50 %save
1,25 € Available 1 pc
Paksurunkoinen toukkajigi. Rungon pituus n.6cm.
- pussissa 3kpl...
- pussissa 3kpl...
1,25 €
orig. price
2,50 €discount
50 %save
1,25 € Varastossa
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1,00 €
orig. price
2,50 €discount
60 %save
1,50 € Varastossa
More details
1,00 €
orig. price
2,50 €discount
60 %save
1,50 € Varastossa
More details
1,00 €
orig. price
2,50 €discount
60 %save
1,50 € Varastossa
Todella pehmeää ja eläväistä materiaalia. Ehdoton valinta passiivisemmale ahvenella ja kuhalle. Talvella kannattaa...
0,70 €
Wake Pelagear imitoi välivedessä esiintyvää saaliskalaa, kuten salakkaa, silakkaa, norssia jne. - kiiltäviä, pieniä, usein kapean muotoisia osia...
4,55 €
orig. price
5,97 €discount
24 %save
1,42 €Uusi koko suositusta Bullteez jigistä. Tämä on varmasti ahvenelle ja kuhalle mieleinen suupala. - pussissa 2kpl...
3,90 €
BullTeez Shadtail 9,5 cm Want to catch a big one? Then the BullTeez is the ultimate choice for...
4,90 €
The Bullteez Curltail, the name says it all. A combination of the Bullteez and a curltail. This...
3,50 €
Todella kalastava jigi ahvenelle ja kuhalle. 2kpl pussissa...
2,50 €
The Westin Ned Worm will conjure up fish on even the slowest days, bringing success when all else fails. This...
6,98 €
Life-like lures in all shapes and sizes have been popular for decades, yet few have ever come...
1,95 €
Watch your speed with this incarnation of Ricky the Roach - the shorter tail allows a smooth and slow glide through the water, while the big...
4,96 €
Todella kalastava jigi ahvenelle ja kuhalle. - pussissa 1kpl...
1,90 €
This slim and slender lure is sure to have your target fish drooling with its enticing wriggling action that is incredibly effective at...
3,50 €
Version II of the legendary TwinTeez is packed with new features to improve your odds. We have added a realistic head with gill details...
4,96 €
Version II of the legendary TwinTeez is packed with new features to improve your odds. Realistic head with gill details for a more natural...
3,90 €